Hot Winds Blow
July 7–11, Amherst, MA USA
Seasonal Memoir #13
Be careful what you ask for. The rain has returned, and with a vengeance. There’s been precipitation all but three days this month, with several days experiencing 1” or more. Who am I kidding? After eight years in the Middle East, where the sight of a single cloud was a topic of conversation, I love the rain! A break in the clouds allowed me to get up on the roof and rake the pine needles off of it. “Yardwork”!
After an eighteen month hiatus, the extended Todd family was able to resume its biannual get together and see each other again. Perhaps because of this extended pause, it was a chill event, where there was plenty to talk about, and folks were in a good mood. No cancellations. No early exits. I do believe everything has its optimal timing. The best family reunions should be on the biennial wavelength, I guess.
As a sidebar to the reunion, a family member presented with a nasty chest cold the next morning and is being tested for Covid (we are awaiting the result). The situation brings up an opportunity to put into practice what post-pandemic (can we say that yet?) behavior will look like. If it were pre-pandemic, then we’d just feel badly for the stricken and make chicken soup. But now, it’s multiple phone calls, including to the likely source. It’s quiet or insinuated accusations of unsafe behavior (even though the person is vaccinated and was showing no symptoms), or annoyance over the hugs this person’s “close contact” gave others. It’s panic for some. This incident brings up the question, “How exactly are we going to live our lives going forward (given that we are likely not going to reach herd immunity) as vaccinated individuals?” Do we never hug again, allowing those vaccinated the opportunity to practice hygiene theatre? Won’t we just self-isolate and test if any of us has symptoms, showing an abundance of caution, but nevertheless living our lives? Flu and cold viruses will not give up and retire! It feels like we need to figure this out, and we’re not close yet.
I’m sick about the England-Italy Euro final, as it feeds into the English’s dysfunction about its footy. The racial overtones and backlash were unfortunately predictable, but the backlash to the backlash has been encouraging. Perhaps the tide is turning. I can help but think the older I get that it’s utterly silly to put so much stock in the outcome of a sporting event. What does that say about humanity? We need to do better.
Do we have an ethical obligation to animals? To treat them kindly? To not raise them for food? To allow them to live in the wild, unmanaged? These are things I’m thinking about as I start reading Wild Souls by Emma Marris. After finishing Inconspicuous Consumption by Tatiana Schlossburg, I’ve created this very rough draft of a way forward toward more eco-friendly living. I share only as food for thought, not because I’m feeling preachy. It’s hard to change one’s behavior!
Movement mantra
If you can walk, walk.
If you can’t walk, bike.
If you can’t bike, take public transportation.
If you can’t take public transportation, take the scooter.
If you can’t scoot, drive (electric, if possible).
If you can’t drive, fly (direct, if possible).
Consumption of Food
- Eat a plant-based diet; avoid meat
- Reuse eco-bottles
- Extend expiration dates
- Reduce wasted food; eat leftovers
- Eat things that are in season
- Eat organic or eco, and eat local; Buy imperfect produce
- Look for sustainability certifications
Consumption of Things
- Buy less!
- Do not rush shipping, and consolidate; use shipping lockers or off-hour delivery times
- Recycle (including tech)
- Buy local, to avoid shipping twice
- Use reusable bags; don’t buy new ones
- Avoid fast-fashion; put away clothes for another year
- Reduce denim, cashmere, rayon, and athleisure wear (microplastics); wash jeans less often
- Collect rainwater
Consumption of Energy
- Try to source your electricity from non-coal options
- Avoid wood pellets or manufactured fuel
- Unplug devices/appliances that use energy when off
- Utilize off-hour energy periods
- Air dry your clothes
- Reduce A/C use; insulate your house
- Turn lights off when leaving the room
- Ask questions. Demand change.
- Vote!